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Whats your favorite smoke ?

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Whats your favorite smoke ? Empty Whats your favorite smoke ?

Post  Ray Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:35 pm

Nice to see this discussion here i think ill be quite active in it Wink

First i have to tell that i had a bad car accident 6 years ago and i still suffer from really bad back pains on a regular basis and after taking all the possible pills i smoked some weed and i the pain in my back was almost gone....At one point i was almost in a wheelchair and with regular swimming and smoking i can walk now again. I will never be able to run a maraton or walk 10 km by foot but i can enjoy life without being in a wheelchair.

At the moment i am not smoking on a daily basis anymore because i am so much better but there were times where i was really happy about a smoke. I still am but not in the sence that i would need a smoke to feel good.

I am so pissed when they talk about weed as a drug. Its just so medical corporations like Pfizer can make millions on pills for problems what could be solved with a plant that can grow in your garden. Not to mention you can make fuel or cloth out of cannabis aswell.

But now back to the topic...

I prefer a good sativa over Indica but indicas can be so good for pain relief. What i don't like is the feeling of being stoned and couch locked so that's why i would prefer sativa's over indica's...since sativa's give you more of a head high then a body high feeling.

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Whats your favorite smoke ? Empty Sweet Tooth!!

Post  FlacMonkey Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:23 pm

Sorry to hear about your car accident. Weed is definitely helpful for pain relief, I'm a supporter of medicinal weed for sure Smile

I haven't smoked very much pot, well, very little actually. I enjoyed it nearly each time. It's quite a fun and harmless experience. But it keeps my high for too long, so I can't really be 100% myself if I smoke, and that for days.... days! So I'd keep it down for a good joint with good friends during vacation, very rarely.

Once, me and some friends went for a week to Amsterdam. We tired a few coffee shops and were basically stoned and drunk for nearly the entire week, eating a shit load of those great French fries they sell over there. They have all sorts of funny sauces to drown them in, man it was fun how we craved for them in the late late night/early morning. Our favourite joint was prepared with "Sweet Tooth" if I remember right, at Barney's (quite a famous coffee shop in Dam, some will say too famous). It was so excellent. Got us all real high in no time and in a good and happy way. It was a fun trip. One of my friends started talking with a much higher pitched voice than usual when he got high, and pretended to be a black guy trapped in a white guy's body. Well, actually he was rather convinced he was... Hilarious. Also, he would start "Preaching" and say stuff like "Praise the Lord" and "I want you to feel what I'm feelin'", "Hallelujah" and so on and so forth... Smile
Entirely Made Of Flacs

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Whats your favorite smoke ? Empty Re: Whats your favorite smoke ?

Post  HitMeWithIt Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:37 am

OK I am posting this reply as a space marker...meaning if I do not post this soon I'lll forget for sooo long it will no longer be relevant. (If it even is anyway!).
So um, yeah, this will make sense tomorrow after I return and edit it so watch this space!
Not now you fool. Nothing is happening.
Whats your favorite smoke ? 491222

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Whats your favorite smoke ? Empty Re: Whats your favorite smoke ?

Post  HitMeWithIt Tue May 04, 2010 10:19 am

Hello Smile
Favourite smoke? Now that is a pretty difficult one to answer!
I suppose right off the top of my head I could easily go for the obvious...
Skunky buds or some nice Thai weed maybe, even some of that very fragrant compressed African bush is lovely.
I am a hash lover though and it pains me to have to accept that it is a very rare thing to get these days. I will rephrase that. It is very hard to get CLEAN hash these days!
If it hasn't got bits of plastic and shite in then it isn't hash bought in UK!
I do have a whole lot more to say on the subject but, not very well right now and so it's hard to get the thoughts out and onto the page!
Sorry to hear of the accident too mate, I, like you, have used cannabis for medical reasons for years now. I will admit that sometimes it is for my mind that ?I will have it. It's complicated but the illness doesn't ONLY affect my gut, even though it is an inflammatory gut disease (Crohn's Disease).
Like you said, I also find I love Indicas for the amazing pain relief. When I have some good Indica bud I can tell right away that is what it is just by the fact that my guts and digestive system becomes so relaxed that I can sometimes be almost free of the pain I suffer 24/7. It does not make the pain go away completely but it always has some effect. some types of smoke much more than others.
I also like the Sativa high as it is so much more energetic but. if I am in a lot of pain and feeling particularly bad, sativas can sometimes make me feel panicky about the pain, not really helping at all in that case!!
this is rare though Smile

OK I have to go rest now but look forward to continuing this. Also I want to show my stealthy microGrow op too!!
I will return with more as soon as I feel able... Whats your favorite smoke ? 491222

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Whats your favorite smoke ? Empty Re: Whats your favorite smoke ?

Post  Funkin' Sun May 23, 2010 11:49 pm

I go for anything that is dank, or nugz as we call them. We really don't have specific names of anything around here. Although there has been one particular type called Kush floating around. And that's some smelly, stinky, nugz. Really good stuff.

Usually about the lowest I smoke is mid-grade. I usually never have to(thankfully) smoke any shwag.

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Whats your favorite smoke ? Empty Re: Whats your favorite smoke ?

Post  HitMeWithIt Tue May 25, 2010 1:38 am

Wow it's been a while. I should explain that a few weeks ago I started reducing a strong drug I have been taking for 12 or so years - Prednisolone, a steroid.
It is the hardest thing I have ever done!
It makes you feel crazy and then withdrawn and..well, it's madness really so that is a part explanation why I have arrived here and then hardly returned!
It is funny how we have different names for weed all over the planet. I couldn't truthfully tell you exactly what Dank or Nugz is but I would guess it means big skunky smelling, well grown Professionally, buds with sticky resin on them. Well not resin to be totally correct, it's THC crystals...I am not too up on the names either but I do know a lot of breeds too, as I used to grow on quite a scale for a single guy grow op! I had two full rooms in a caravan or trailer, totally given over to lights,fans, timers and all sorts and all hydroponic too!
But these days it is hard enough to friggin get some good stuff where I live,. I hate it!
At the moment the stuff is really weedy looking, it has that sweet skunky aroma but it is damp as hell and when I mention that fact to the guy he just mutters about how the guy he gets it off gives it to him like that etc etc.
When I used to sell it...not when I grew it, that was another time! I would never have done that kind of thing!
They don't seem to give a shit these days as it's mostly young kids that just want respect like the old days!
I must say though I started a so called 'microGrow' in a box with less than 1sq ft of floor space! I currently have two seedlings and one bigger plant that I will use to clone soon. I'll explain and maybe get pics up and stuff when I am a bit more capable of focusing and rational thought!
I just thought, the effects from reducing these horrible drugs were not as bad for a moment so I saw an email from here and decided to come post.
Oh and the withdrawal makes you feel like you talk lots and say nothing!
As if you didn't notice eh?
Well now I have told you why, I hope no one thinks I am usually so friggin all over the place. It's hard work this!
I look forward to when I can come here and have some good, relaxed discussions Smile
Whats your favorite smoke ? 491222

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Age : 50
Location : UK
Humour : Humour? FUCK OFF! :P

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