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Did someone say Flac ?

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Did someone say Flac ? Empty Did someone say Flac ?

Post  Ray Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:03 pm

Hello guys!

My name is Matthew i am 30 years old from Slovenia. I am a big music lover and Flac Enthusiast. Music takes a lot of time in my every day life. I would call it a hobby Wink I am planing to start a collection in the next few months. I have quite a big collection already but nothing serious yet. I was always looking forward to a collection but i didnt have the space for it till now. I enjoy to talk about about random things and will help you with prety much anything if i have the time and can do it.

That's it for now ! If you want to talk send me a PM and i will be happy to hear from you.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-04-07

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Did someone say Flac ? Empty Re: Did someone say Flac ?

Post  FlacMonkey Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:22 am

Hi Ray! Welcome Smile

When you say collection, you mean a flac collection? I dream of starting a proper vinyl collection. But I have neither the cash nor the access to proper LP stores where I live. Also my flat has pretty lousy acoustics and I can't enjoy music to its fullest.

Looking forward to chat with you and talk about music, flacs, anything! Smile


Entirely Made Of Flacs

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Did someone say Flac ? Empty Re: Did someone say Flac ?

Post  Kitlope Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:56 pm

Welcome Ray!

Hopefully you decide to up some of your collection, what kind of music do you prefer?


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Age : 50
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Did someone say Flac ? Empty Re: Did someone say Flac ?

Post  Ray Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:33 am

I love Jazz, Blues, Etno, World, Classic pretty much everything back to the roots. I always looked on music and making music as something you do with your body...its hard to explain i don't to say that a good Dj is not doing anything but in some way its something completely different as playing an instrument. When you watch a good Pianist, drummer, Sax player or Bas player play its just a total fusion between the instrument and his body.... and i just miss that when it comes to electronic music.

When i was talking about starting to build a collection i was talking about a CD/Vinyl collection i always wanted to do it but never had the time and space for it. If someone can suggest a good place for buying Cd's and Vinyl's just shout it out. I know you can get alot of the music on amazon and ebay but i am sure there is more then that.

Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-04-07

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