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Clean Folder Naming and Torrent Naming

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Clean Folder Naming and Torrent Naming Empty Clean Folder Naming and Torrent Naming

Post  FlacMonkey Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:39 am

  • Folder Naming

    It's important to have a clean standard way of naming rips. Else it can become a horrible mess in no time.

    Many lossless rippers use any kind of naming they like, but it is becoming common practice to use a standard naming convention. That way, all rips you get contain the crucial information in the same order in a clean and efficient, easy to read manner.

    That naming convention is the following:

    Artist - Album (Year) [FLAC] {additional info}
    Artist - Album (Year) [FLAC] (additional info)

    Compilations with various artists should be named as such:

    VA - Album (Year) [FLAC] {additional info}
    VA - Album (Year) [FLAC] (additional info)

    The additional info comment is optional and may contain interesting data such as record label, cat#, pressing, remaster, etc.

    There's nothing more annoying that browsing through a folder/browser page where many of the rips' name start with date, genre or anything else than the artist's name. Having a standard folder naming scheme makes everything easier for everyone.

  • Torrent Naming

    Regarding torrent file naming, a similar clean and efficient approach is recommended. It must contain all the relevant information, in a similar order. It is important to label that the rip is lossless, which ripper software was used, that the rip contains log and cue, artwork (when included). Adding the tracker's name, and uploader name is also a good idea as some people may like that uploader's rips and want to follow him/her. The tracker name may bring more people to the tracker and they may find more things they like, especially if people on that particular tracker label and rip in a similar, high-standard fashion.

    The following is recommended:

    Artist - Album (2000) {Optional Additional Info} [LOSSLESS/FLAC/LOG/CUE][tracker name][uploader]
    It's easy to read, contains the critical data in order of importance.
Entirely Made Of Flacs

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